When you undergo a cupping treatment, the suction created un…

When you undergo a cupping treatment, the suction created under the cup forces fluids upwards to the surface while keeping the skin intact.
In doing so, cupping helps to break up fluids and toxins that may have built up in the local tissue, bringing them to your skin’s surface to be eliminated in your sweat or by re-circulation through your other elimination systems (i.e. via the liver or kidneys).
For muscle pain and tension, the suction of cupping increases circulation and triggers a localized response of the immune system. It also decompresses tight fascia, which is the sheath that wraps around various muscle groups. Essentially, the effect of the suction leads to a “release” of the tense muscles.
Cupping treatment is not painful. You should feel a pressure sensation, almost like a deep massage, and the pressure can be adjusted to your comfort level.
The majority of cupping treatment is done on the back, although sometimes legs are targeted for specific muscle tension conditions. During a session, cups are left on for 5-15 minutes. Sometimes the cups can be slid up and down muscle groups for additional benefit.

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