• Registered Physiotherapist

    Full Time or Part Time options.

    Virtual or Inperson

    Salary or Independent Contractor options for employment.

    Please Send your resume to

    We are looking to hire 1 -2 practitioners.

  • Registered Massage Therapist

    Full Time or Part Time Options available. Salary or Independent Contractor options for employment.

    We have 195 client waitlist for massage therapy. We are open 6 days a week and some evenings.

    Please send your resume to

    We are looking to hire 2 practitioners.

  • Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

    Full Time or Part Time options.

    Virtual or in person.

    Salary or Independent Contractor options for employment.

    Please Send your resume to

    We are looking to hire 1 -2 practitioners.

  • Registered Speech Therapist

    We are looking to grow our team; specifically in paediatrics. We have a Peadiatric Physiotherapist, an ICPA Chiropractor and we are hoping to create a collaborative environment to help child succeed in the Kawartha Lakes. Please send your resume to to join our passion project and team!

    Seeking to hire 1 practitioner

    Full Time or Part Time options.

    Virtual or in person.

    Salary or Independent Contractor options for employment.


  • Registered Counsellor and/or Psychotherapist

    Seeking to hire 1 practitioner

    Full Time or Part Time options.

    Virtual or in person.

    Salary or Independent Contractor options for employment.

Our team is passionate about your pain problem, and can help!

If you are not sure who to see, then give us a call and we can help direct you. Or Book Online.