The Truth About Chiropractic
May 12, 2021 Posted in: ASK AN EXPERT
I am a chiropractor. When I tell people what I do
for a living, the most frequent response is that the
person I’m speaking to grabs his back and says,
“Oh, Doc, I need ya!” As a society, we
misunderstand chiropractic. But with your
permission, I would like to tell you the truth about
it, and what a true gift it is.
A great philosopher named Hippocrates once
stated, “We are either growing or dying.” Not to
be outdone, Confucius stated, “Our lives are like
that of an egg, we are either growing or decaying.”
Every day, our environment bombards us with
chemical, physical and mental stressors. It is the
the job of our nerve system to detect these stressors,
interpret them, and either adapt to them and
continue our growth, or shrink from them and
stop growing while in survival or protective
As the philosophers said, we are both growing and
dying each day—but one process will predominate
over the other. One is an upward spiral of growth,
leading to fulfillment and ease; the other is a
the downward spiral of decay, leading to death.
Our Bodies’ Innate Intelligence
Our bodies have an inborn intelligence, often
called innate intelligence. This intelligence runs,
regulates, heals, and grows the body to its fullest
potential, allowing us to reach our God-given
purpose in life. There are many things you have to
accept in order to understand the full breadth of
chiropractic: Either we are on this earth due to the
the grace of higher consciousness, or we are simply
random assimilation of organic substances that
has evolved over many years, making us nothing
more than a higher order of mud.
If you have a live person and a dead person side by
side, what is the difference? They both have all the
same stuff, the same potential for life. In
chiropractic understanding, the difference is that
the live one possesses an innate intelligence or
life force. Most people think the body is run and
regulated by the brain, but let me ask you: What
runs the brain? There are those who think genes
dictate life, but we know that they turn off and on
regularly, even mutating and adapting. So I ask:
What turns genes on or off?
For a hundred years, chiropractors have been
saying that there is a perfect, inborn intelligence
inside us, that continually gives 100 percent of the
information we need to run, regulate, grow, heal
and flourish. Ill health, disease, and lack of
potential arise only from a lack of expression of
this intelligence.
The Expression of Light or Darkness
This lack of expression leads to dis-coordination of
the body, or a lack of a body’s ability to
comprehend itself in its own environment. That
leads to an inability of the body to adapt to outside
stressors, which causes a loss of function and a
breakdown of tissue—a downward spiral of decay
and, ultimately, death.
If we look at the full expression of this innate
intelligence as being the fullest expression of life as
light, we can look at the lack of this expression—
decay or disease—as darkness. How do you
remedy darkness? You can study darkness,
examine it, qualify it, be aware of it and focus on it.
But there’s only one way to remove darkness: Add
Chiropractic understands this premise. It doesn’t
look to cure disease, address disease or diagnose
disease. We understand the disease for what it truly
is—a lack state, one that arises only in the absence
of the fullest expression of life.
—By Lloyd Fielder, DC
Appearing in Pathways to
Family Wellness Magazine
Issue 26—Summer 2010