Sleep and Our Bodies
October 1, 2018 Posted in: ASK AN EXPERT
SLEEP: How does it really affect our bodies??
Did you know that sleeping less than 7 hours a night and/or sleeping more than 8½ hours a night can cause serious health risks?
Not getting the right amount of sleep can lead to;
- Hunger & weight gain
- Type 2 diabetes
- Insulin resistance
- Inflammation
- Depression & anxiety
- Weakened immunity
- Heart disease
- Stress
- Exhaustion
What is a Healthy amount of sleep?
The ideal amount of sleep to get at night is between 8-81/2 hours. Now we all know everyone is busy and it doesn’t seem realistic. But just think of how MUCH more productive you could be in a day not to mention how great you will feel.
Here are some tips to help you have a healthier sleep;
- Consistently maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up hours (the best you can).
- Avoid caffeine consumption (tea, cola, coffee, chocolate) within 4-8 hours of bedtime.
- Exercise regularly and avoid intense physical activity 3 hours before bedtime.
- Avoid daytime naps.
- Avoid eating 2 hours before bedtime (a light snack can help avoid hunger pangs and aid sleep).
- Avoid stressful or noisy distractions while trying to get sleep (noisy clocks, bright lights,
uncomfortable clothes, or bedding).
- Avoid alcohol consumption (or allow 2 hours before bedtime).
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine (book, music, bath, relaxation technique).
- If you have difficulty relaxing at bedtime, then herbal relaxation aids
Use the bed for sex and sleep only (no TV, laptop computer, reading, etc.)