Hello everyone, my name is Ryan Plumpton. I have been an RMT…

Hello everyone, my name is Ryan Plumpton. I have been an RMT going on 12 years and have worked in a variety of settings from chair massage with a predominantly relaxation focus, to a veterans home helping manage chronic conditions.
I was born here at the Ross, but moved away first to Ottawa for School and then to Toronto for the first chunk of my career. My wife and I moved back late in 2016 and were followed soon thereafter by my 3 boys, the oldest 4 middle is 2 and our youngest is 9 months! Yes, it is as busy as you imagine.

There are a few things you should know about me. First and foremost, I love pizza. Everyone has been asked the desert island question about only getting one food forever. As far as I am concerned there is only one answer.
Next, I have a super eclectic collection of interests. This has led me to pursue a wide variety of physical and intellectual pursuits from a career in culinary (didn’t pan out), to training in Jiu Jitsu and Rock Climbing, to reading everything from the fluffiest Sci-Fi, to Jane Austin, to Patrick Dewitt.
Funny enough, Massage scratches this itch. Because each of us is different, and because even the same person will present differently from day to day, the only consistency is that there is no consistency. I love that depending on the day I can help realize headache relief, or increased sensation in a hand that has been going numb, or maybe just a quiet and contemplative moment to help get back in touch with yourself.
Lastly; I am a nerd. Everything from Magic the Gathering to Warhammer Fantasy Battles. If you don’t know what that means its probably for the best. I hear that sunlight is good for you.

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