January 7, 2019 Posted in: ASK AN EXPERT
Do you want to be more active, but have trouble getting motivated? Starting a new habit and sticking to it is difficult for many people. So many things get in the way, and your favorite comfy chair or TV program can look very attractive after a long, busy day. But did you know that fitting in just 15 minutes of focused activity each day can start you on the way to an energized lifestyle? Who knows where it will take you!
Here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Visit www.fitin15.ca
Fit-in 15 is an interactive, web-based program developed by Canada’s Doctors of Chiropractic, experts in muscle and joint function, and champions of healthy living. Fitin15.ca has motivational tools and easy no-cost, no-equipment ideas for getting active. Once fitting in 15 minutes becomes a regular part of your day, you may find yourself fitting in more.
2. Have a distraction
Research studies show that people who have a distraction are more likely to stick with a fitness activity than people who don’t. Brisk walking outdoors provides its own distractions. The scenery and street activity will keep your senses occupied while your feet keep you moving. If you are fitting in your fifteen minutes indoors, listen to the radio, play the music you enjoy, or work out while watching your favorite TV program.
3. Have a buddy
Research studies also tell us that people who get active with a buddy find it easier to stay active. Invite your partner, a friend, neighbor or relative, one of your children, or the family dog to join you for a 15-minute walk or workout. Make it a time to talk, laugh and connect.
4. Pick a specific time of day
Decide on the best time of day to set aside your fifteen minutes so it becomes something to look forward to and you can schedule other activities around it. Keep to your scheduled time as much as possible.
5. Try not to miss a day
Think of fitting in 15 minutes as a regular daily activity – like taking a shower in the morning. It can be easy to find reasons not to fit in 15 – there are always so many other things to do. But the more you fit it in, the easier it gets until you hardly have to think about it. If you miss a day or two, don’t give up; just fit it in again as soon as you can.
Canada’s chiropractors are committed to helping Canadians be more physically active. A Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) can evaluate your strength and flexibility, and screen for anything that may limit your physical activities. Ask your chiropractor for an evaluation, or visit chiropracticcanada.ca to find a chiropractor in your area.