Day 10: Air It Out

Day 10: Air It Out
Air it out: the vag, the scar/ incision, the body, the boobs; you name it air helps it heal. I will admit for the first 2 or 3 weeks postpartum I basically wore disposable undies and Anna wore disposable diapers and we made many jokes about this! This also helps promote skin-to-skin time which will help you bond with your baby, get your milk flowing, lower your stress hormones, promotes healing for mom, regulate your infant’s temperature, breathing rate, heart rate, blood sugar and help calm your baby.

Speaking of air; strive to Breathe Deeply – 10 full deep belly breaths multiple times a day; near the end of pregnancy it is very difficult to breathe deeply; this also helps regulate your response to stress, helps mom and baby calm down, and gets your pelvic floor moving which will help it heal.

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