Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy and Webster Technique

How can a chiropractic adjustment affect baby positioning and birth outcome? By improving the mothers pelvic balance. When the mothers pelvis is out of alignment, the ligaments that connect the pelvis to the uterus increase their tension (tone), resulting in a distortion to the babys environment.


For the baby, the surrounding walls of the uterus tighten with pelvic imbalance, becoming more and more like tight bed sheets that restrict movement. The chiropractic adjustment to the pelvis releases tension to the ligaments and uterus, allowing the baby to more freely and assume the best possible position throughout pregnancy.


Many women are seeking ICPA chiropractors and the Webster Technique throughout their pregnancy. For every stage of pregnancy, this adjustment reduces interference to the nervous system- a vital benefit to improve physiology for both the mother and her baby. When a mothers physiological function is at best, her baby’s development is optimized. Balancing the pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments and improving normal physiology sets the stage for a natural birth.


Chiropractic care and the Webster Technique may allow for safer, easier births!

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