As previous students ourselves, we know what it’s like to sp…

As previous students ourselves, we know what it’s like to spend hours in the library staring at your screen! Now with covid students are spending more time on computers and are dealing with the stress of online school.

Research has indicated that Chiropractic care can affect the function of the prefrontal cortex of the brain by a staggering 20%!!! That is unheard of in brain research!

Quick anatomy lesson (and why this matters to you)… The prefrontal cortex controls: • behavior
• goal-directed tasks
• decision-making
• memory & attention
• intelligence
• pain processing
• emotional response
• muscle function and coordination of the upper and lower body

Book your appointment by calling 705.320.7811 or via our website for chiropractic or acupuncture treatments with our student rates.

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