Are you living with vertigo or tinnitus? We have helped seve…

Are you living with vertigo or tinnitus? We have helped several patients with their symptoms using acupuncture.
Acupuncture helps to manage or eliminate the symptoms of these conditions by reducing inflammation, increasing blood and oxygen flow to the related tissues, and balancing the body.
For instance, if the condition is related to an imbalance of hormones, acupuncture can help to restore balance.
If the inflammation or injury is the causal factor, acupuncture helps to get those issues under control too.
Reducing inflammation and relaxing tight muscles can even help in the case of excessive wax buildup, as when the muscles around the head and neck are relaxed, drainage of the ears is more efficient.
If you are suffering from these conditions or have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at 705-320-7811!

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