Is your Pelvic Floor…. Ready for Birth?

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy helps prepare your body and Pelvic Floor for pregnancy, labour & delivery and postpartum recovery!

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy can help:

– Manage/prevent diastasis recti (splitting of abs)

– Decrease changes of prolapse or incontinence during pregnancy and postpartum

– Teach you the best practices and methods to push your baby out that protects your pelvic floor

– Teach you different labour and pushing positions

– Teach you the stages of labour, what to expect and different relaxation and strategies for each

– Helps you prepare for post-partum

For more information about Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, visit our website at or book an appointment with Carly Wallace online by following the link or give the clinic a call at 705-320-7811

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