Webster Technique focuses on relieving the tightness in the…
October 26, 2021 Posted in: ASK AN EXPERT
Webster Technique focuses on relieving the tightness in the round ligaments. This allows the baby to shift comfortably and freely within the womb so that he or she can get into the proper position for the big journey to the outside world.
Dr. J and Dr. S are both chiropractors, who are Webster Technique Certified – this means they provide safe, effective, and drug-free care to pregnant moms.
For more information about Webster Technique, visit our website at https://adelaideclinic.ca/treatments/pregnancy-paediatrics
If you would like to book an appointment with Dr. J or Dr. S, visit our website at https://adelaideclinic.ca/book-online or call the clinic at 705-320-7811.