The 6 week check up is not enough

If you’re looking to return to exercise after having a baby it’s important to introduce exercise slowly and dynamically. Often at 6 weeks postpartum, we are told we can return to pregnancy or pre-pregnancy exercises. This is not always true. Your body has gone through so much, abdominal muscles have stretched, and your pelvic floor muscles and breathing mechanics have changed. We need to take time to focus on reconnecting and re-strengthening these areas to allow you to get back to the exercises you love, without experiencing issues such as incontinence, or pain with exercise.


Dr. Sims is offering virtual or in-person rehabilitation classes starting in May. It is a 4-week program tailored to women in the postpartum period. Classes can be run through your insurance. For existing chiropractic patients, the price is 200$ for 8 virtual sessions. She will be offering these on Mondays from 10 am -11 am and Wednesdays from 12pm -1pm. The first class is Monday, May 2, 2022.


If you would like to sign up for this course you can give our clinic a call to book. Please let the front desk know if you will attend in person or virtually.

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