Avoid Lower Back Pain While Biking

For all you avid spinners out there! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1️⃣SEAT HEIGHT: with your heel resting on the down pedal, you should be able to fully extend your leg. With the ball of the foot on the pedal in riding position, your knee should be slightly bent.
2️⃣SEAT POSITION: with the pedals horizontally aligned and the ball of your foot on the front pedal, your kneecap should be directly over the pedal spindle. The saddle should be set at a neutral angle.
3️⃣ FOOT POSITION: always ride with the ball of your foot over the centre of the pedal spindle, and toes facing forward.
4️⃣ POSTURE: while riding, keep a neutral spine by bending forward at the hips and avoiding the “hunch” in your mid back.
5️⃣ CORE STRENGTH: having a well conditioned abdominal and back muscles will help to support your upper body while riding and minimize excessive swaying.

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